Making the Most of

Women's Care

Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery

In-Office Hysteroscopy

What Is An Office Hysteroscopy?

This is a procedure where a doctor uses a thin tube with a tiny camera to look inside the uterus. There are no incisions. Saline solution is used to expand the uterus in order to look at the inside of the uterus .The procedure allows us to see if there are any abnormalities in your uterus such as polyps, fibroids or scarring.

How Do I Prepare?

The hysteroscopy cannot be performed during your menstrual cycle or if you may be pregnant.  The best time to perform this procedure is within 7 days after your period ends. There are no restrictions on activity or diet before the hysteroscopy unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, you may take 600 mg of Motrin 1-2 hours prior to the procedure and every 6 hours following the procedure if necessary. Most women tolerate the hysteroscopy without any medication.

Will I Have Any Limitations?

Please refrain from sexual intercourse and do not put anything in your vagina for 24 hours. There are no other restrictions on activity or diet following the hysteroscopy, unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Zann. After the hysteroscopy and before you leave the clinic, an appointment should be made with your primary health care provider to review the findings and discuss your future care.